This page was updated on Friday, 28-Jun-2024 21:32:42 BST
Our first dates for events in 2024 have now been set, and others are 'taking shape'. We would very much like to be able to offer a more extensive programme, but we still have a chronic shortage of active supporters to
plan and run our events. Unless we attract significant additional support to manage the Calendar, we are likely to continue to adopt a 'low profile' well into 2024. If you have enjoyed our past events, or
have ideas for future different events, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do volunteer to help to make them happen! Please visit the Volunteering page to read about ways in which you can become involved with the
Friends' group, or contact us for more insight into what would be involved.
Please come along to our Winter Walk at 1.55 p.m. for a 2.00 p.m. start on Sunday February 18th 2024. The guided stroll around the Park will be followed by Free
Mulled Wine and Mince Pies.
If you are curious about our events and want to know more about what it is like to be there, please see our Past Events page
(updated Wednesday, 09-Mar-2022 18:22:14 GMT), or for a more comprehensive set of reports, please see our
on-line archive (updated Saturday, 10-Feb-2024 11:50:07 GMT).