This page was updated on Sunday, 12-Jan-2025 18:24:08 GMT


Welcome to our website!!!

This website had a refresh in 2015, and another one had become well overdue, and it was completed during 2022. A new template has been applied, and additionally every page has been reviewed, checked for errors, and updated as and where necessary. One of the purposes of the update was to improve navigation around the 100+ webpages, 136 linked documents (and growing), and 879 photos (and growing) that it contained in 2022, so the menu bar has not only switched from running down the left hand side to horizontal across the top of the screen, it also incorporates sub-menus. We hope that you like this look.

Navigating this website

Courtesy of the page menu list above, you can read all about the Park, the 'Friends' group, and find details of the events organised by, or with, the 'Friends'. Most of the headline menus above have direct links to numerous more detailed pages. Through the 'The Park (WCP)' link you will find directions and a map of the Park, and you can find notes about the history and development of the Park, the management of the Park, the children's play area, the Park's plants and animals, fishing in the lake, and much, much more. Other links will take you to details about the events we organise - most of which are absolutely free - plus details about our volunteer group - The Friends of the Wick Country Park.

If there is something specific you are interested in, but cannot find, such as, for example, 'Opening Times' or 'Car Parking', please use the 'Search this Site' link above. Type a few key words into the search box, and click on the 'Search' button .

Latest News Headlines - last updated on Tuesday, 28-Jan-2025 10:32:56 GMT

Do check out our News Headlines page for links to all new and updated posts on this website.

Basildon Borough Council Parks and Countryside Services

The Wick Country Park Park is owned by Basildon Borough Council and is managed by the Parks and Countryside Services Department. To report an issue concerning misuse of the Park, or to enquire about hiring facilities at the Park, please contact the Countryside Officer on 01268 533333 (choose option 5). Please note: the Friends group has no authority over the usage of the Park and therefore we cannot deal directly with any such requests, though we will always try to 'point you in the right direction'.

Basildon Borough Council has recently appointed a new Biodiversity Officer, Josh Childs. You can read an introductory conversation with Josh that has been reproduced from the Summer 2022 edition of Basildon our Borough by clicking here.

How to Contact Us

If you have any comments to offer or queries to raise about the Wick Country Park, or the Friends Group, or the events held at the Park, or about this website, please click on the 'Contact Us' link above, or in the footer below.

Programme of events for 2024 - posted January 2024

Our Calendar for 2024 is beginning to take shape. Some of the missing dates will be confirmed at our next committee meeting

A plea for help ......

We still have a chronic shortage of active supporters to plan and run our events. Unless we attract significant additional support to manage the Future Events Programme, we are likely to continue to adopt a 'low profile' well into 2022. If you have enjoyed our past events, or have ideas for future different events, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do volunteer to help to make them happen! Please visit the Volunteering page to read about ways in which you can become involved with the Friends' group, or contact us for more insight into what would be involved.

On-line support while you visit the Park

If you have a smart-phone when you visit the Park, you can now carry a map with you - please click or tap here to see the map and the accompanying notes.

Register to receive our Newsletter

Some great news!!!! There will be no charge to register your email address with the membership secretary, so that you can be kept up-to-date about events and other developments at the Park, through our regular newsletter called Skylarks, as well as the occasional e-mail. In normal times, Skylarks is published quarterly, but while Coronavirus restrictions apply, the frequency has been reduced to twice a year. Please see our membership page for more details about registration. Back issues of Skylarks can be viewed through the 'On-Line Archive' link to the left.

Past Events

Please click on the picture links below, which will take you to reports and pictures from the various events listed.

Kites & Classic Car Display - Sunday September 17th 2017 Skylarks 3K race, Wednesday July 26th 2017 Nature Quest - Sunday July 23rd 2017 Paws in the Park, Sunday 11th June 2017 Bat Walk, May 20th 2017 The Bird Song Walk, April 9th 2017 The Quiz Night - March 3rd 2017 January Jaunt & AGM  Sunday 15th January 2017