This page was updated on Tuesday, 15-Mar-2022 16:53:38 GMT
Photo Gallery - March 4th 2016
You can read a full report of this event in
issue number 49 (May 2016) of our
Skylarks Newsletter. Here on this page, we have presented a 'Photo Story' of the evening.
Thirsty work - whatever that work is.....
Getting ready - Nikki doing her 'warm up' act
Now is that glass half full, or half empty?
Typical!!! The girls have their drinks, and are toasting the coming quiz! The men are still queueing at the bar....
Underway - team 5 are in the lead! As indicated by the giant 'One' hanging over them. Well, what did you think it was?
Michelle, Mike, Nikki & the giant scoreboard, showing team 8 now in the lead
We should have censored this one.... "This quiz is just so much fun, and here we are, stuck behind the bar...."
Either: "Please Miss, I know the answer to this one", or "Please Miss, may I be excused?"
Raffle draw time!
Now let me see, 2 + 2, take away my first number, = Oh no! Not Shirkers & Workers winning again!!
Members from the winning team picking up their prizes. Either that, or there is something VERY interesting on the floor!
Where it all happened - just in case you forgot!