This page was updated on Sunday, 18-Feb-2024 18:35:19 GMT
All of the events at the Park that are described on this website are organised, managed, and run by volunteers. Without a good, vibrant group of people who are prepared to give up some of their time to 'give back to the community', none of this could happen.
At the moment we are short of help at three different levels - as a Committee Member, as 'on the day helpers', and as members of the 'group within a group' - The Wick-ED Gardeners. If you enjoy the Park and enjoy the events that the Committee arranges, have you
thought about helping us out to ensure that our events keep going into the future?
...... as a committee member
We are always looking to get new blood with new ideas onto the committee, in order to keep our events running into the future. Committee meetings are held on an 'as and when needed' basis that over the year as a whole averages out at around one every two
months. Meetings last from one to two hours typically.
So what might being a committee member offer
you in return?
- Huge pleasure from seeing the undoubted enjoyment our events give
- Great satisfaction when looking at the difference our funding support has made to the Park - ranging from the information boards, the eco-cladding on the container, through to owl and kestrel boxes, via picnic tables, cycle racks,
a re-lined dipping pond, and much more.
- The work parties - most notably the 'Wick Weeders', but also regular litter-picking / cleaning sessions and occasional planting sessions - help to keep the Park 'spick and span' and provide enjoyment for all
visitors. The visitors would certainly enjoy their experience much less if these maintenance tasks weren't done!
- Plenty of fresh air and exercise!
- A great social life with great new friends
- A satisfying feeling of 'giving something back'
Yes, running the events can be exhausting - though at the same time, huge fun. The key is, of course, careful planning, and with that aim in mind, we have developed a set of check-lists for the events so that
when the need arises to 'pass the baton', there is the cumulation of 17 years of experience fully recorded. And, as we always try to freshen the events each year, there is plenty of scope for creativity and new ideas.
...... as an 'on the day' helper
If you don't feel that the Committee is for you, then please note that we are
always on the look-out for additional helpers to help with the running of one (or more!) of our events on the day.
NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!!! Events need to be set up and dismantled of course, and if you can offer help with such things as putting up and / or taking down gazebos, and moving chairs and tables into position, you would be very much
welcomed, even if you couldn't stay to help with the event itself.
Wick-ED Gardeners
If you can't wait until our next event to get involved, why not pop along to help out at one of our 'Wick-ED Gardeners' sessions? The Wick-ED Gardeners is a 'group within a group' - some of the 'Friends' come together for two to three hours up to twice a month -
specifically with the intention of keeping the garden around the Park's Pavilion looking neat and tidy throughout the year, whilst being
mindful of the need to ensure that it remains 'wildlife friendly'. Please see the
'Pavilion Gardens' page. {
updated Friday, 01-Mar-2024 20:10:02 GMT} for more
details; for confirmation of the up and coming dates, please see the
'News Headlines' page. {
updated Tuesday, 28-Jan-2025 10:32:56 GMT}.
You don't need to have much gardening experience or knowledge, as more established members of the group can 'show you the ropes'. All
the tools and equipment needed are provided for you, except, for some jobs in particular, you may want to bring your own pair of stout gloves. And there is no need to feel that you need to turn out every time - sometimes things like family visits, holidays, illness,
etc., deprive us of the opportunity to participate. We are currently short of volunteers to support this activity, and we are always happy to welcome new members to the group!
If your arm is feeling ever-so-slightly twisted, please
contact Marie. Not only will we, the committee members, be grateful, so will all the other
people who visit and enjoy the Park and our activities!!! Go on - you know you want to........