This page was updated on Wednesday, 24-Jan-2024 15:30:06 GMT
This month's wildlife walk took place on Wednesday 15th November.
The next walk will take place on Wednesday 13th December at 10.30am, but, if you have been on one of these walks previously, you will receive an emailed reminder nearer the date.
Martin Singleton
Remaining dates for 2023
Summary of sightings
Birds - 24 Species
This was a fairly quiet day with nothing unusual seen, but we did manage to identify 24 bird species which is pretty good now all of our summer birds have long departed and the winter birds have not arrived here yet. The highlight for me was seeing 3 Jackdaws flying
over the car park road on our way home. These are not that common in the park or in Wickford as a whole but do seem to be increasing in our area.
Reptiles cumulative record since September 2022
In addition to the above, I also set out details of reptiles we have seen in the park over the last few years. My own reptile recording software has somehow gone awry, so I have started to use some online software (the record pool) for this and so far, we have 3 records: