This page was updated on Monday, 25-Apr-2022 11:56:27 BST

Paws in the Park - Our Fun Dog Show

Key Details for our next 'PAWS' event

Description: Our annual fun dog show.
Date: Regretably, since our last, but very successful, show held in 2018, we have been unable to hold this event due to a chronic shortage of volunteers.
Venue: The Wick Country Park. The Registration desk for show entries will be located in front of the Pavilion.
Time: 12.00 a.m. to 4 p.m. [Gates will be open for the public at 11a.m.; registration will be from 11a.m.. Please note that popular classes fill very quickly]
Cost: FREE to spectators and visitors; show entry £2 per dog per category

Car Parking

This event is very popular and there is expected to be pressure on the available parking spaces. Please follow the directions of the marshalls on the day. If possible, please car-share, or, better still, come on foot if you live close enough to do so. Or why not cycle to the Park and make use of our Cycle Racks? There will be special arrangements on the day for parking for the disabled and for stall holders.


The toilets in the Pavilion will be open throughout the event.

Doggie Toilets

We all know that dogs will be dogs! Please come prepared, and clean up after your dog. With so many young children expected, it is particularly important to keep the area free of 'hazardous waste'. Dog Waste Bins are provided. Should your dog 'catch you short' then please talk to one of the event organisers - that's those in the highly fashionable yellow high visibility jackets - who may be able to provide an emergency dog waste bag.

Provisional Arena Events Schedule (2018)

This schedule is subject to change and it will be finalised about a month before the event

There will be an entry fee of £2 for each dog in each class (apart from 'Best in Show', to which the winner of each of the earlier categories will be invited), and registration will be from 11a.m.. You are reminded that the most popular classes get booked very early.

12.00Most Handsome Dog
12.20Best Veteran (7 years or older)
12.40Prettiest Bitch
13.00Dog most like its owner
13.20Cutest Puppy (up to 12 months)
13.50Arena Display by external group - details to be confirmed
14.20Best Child Handler (dog shown by children 6 to 14 years)
14.40Most Appealing Scruff
15.00Best Rescue
15.20Waggiest Tail
15.40Best in Show (winner from each class)

Please note that timings are approximate and may be adjusted on the day.

Stalls, side attractions, and other outlets

There will be a number of side-stalls in addition to the main arena events - some run by volunteers from the Friends, others by external commercial interests and charities; most, if not all, of the stalls will relate to dogs / pets.

Prospective stall holders are invited to contact Dorothy ( or Nikki ( for details. Stall placements MUST be booked in advance. Stall holders will be invited on to the field from 10 a.m. to set up, and must be in place by 11a.m. For safety reasons, no vehicle movements are allowed during the event.


There are usually two or three commercial outlets on-site offering a range of snacks including burgers, doughnuts, and ice-creams. Additionally, hot and cold drinks and biscuits will be available from the Pavilion free of charge, although a donation to The Friends would be very much appreciated

Past Years

The stories from our recent 'PAWS' events can now be found on our 'Recent Events - Reports and Photos' page - use this direct link to 'Paws in the Park'

Gallery .... Some images from past 'PAWS' events

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